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Sex and Pregnancy, Myths and Truths

sex and pregnancy; myths and truths

Pregnancy and Sex! Whew! I know what you’re thinking. Why is there so much dust being raised around this? Being pregnant doesn’t mean one automatically becomes celibate. Every woman is unique, and our bodies are impacted by various factors, such…

The Yard (guilt)

The yard

Anuri Ugo seemed fazed by her confession, as evidenced by his expression. His stare was blank, and his lips were pursed. This was the look he always had when he wanted more explanation, the same look he always had when…

The Yard

The yard

Ugo “Baby’re okay. It’s alright, ” Ugo whispered as he patted Anuri’s back, who shook violently from her crying. “Let it out baby girl….It’s alright”. It was more than tears this time; it was some exorcism of pent-up anger,…